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Administrative Contributions

Although the SRB is an independent EU agency, it is not publicly funded. Instead, banks operating across the Banking Union must pay an annual levy towards the running costs of the SRB.

The determination and raising of Administrative Contributions is based on the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/2361 of 14 September 2017 on the final system of contributions to the administrative expenditures of the Single Resolution Board, which came into force on 8 January 2018 and was amended by Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/517 of 11 February 2021. Some changes have been introduced from the 2022 administrative contributions cycle onwards. The SRB will calculate and raise individual annual contributions in Q3. Additionally, the SRB can raise advance instalments in order to pre-finance its expenditures of the financial year until the annual individual contributions are raised in Q3.

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All credit institutions established in the Banking Union must contribute to the administrative expenditures of the SRB. The same holds true for all parent undertakings (including financial holding and mixed financial holding companies), investment firms and financial institutions that are covered by the consolidated supervision of the ECB.

For more detailed information on the administrative contributions process, you can consult the following legal act:

2024 administrative contributions cycle

The Single Resolution Board announces the start of the 2024 administrative contributions cycle.

In line with the 2023 cycle, individual annual contributions will be calculated and raised in Q3/Q4. In order to pre-finance its expenditures for the part of the financial year preceding the point at which the 2024 annual individual contributions are raised, the Board will raise advance instalments on the individual annual contributions in Q1 (only from the institutions under the SRB’s direct remit.

Consultation procedure on the 2024 annual contributions

A structured consultation with the institutions takes place as part of the decision-making process before the adoption of both the decision on the advance instalments (Q1) and the decision on the individual annual contributions (Q3).

The consultation on the 2024 individual annual contributions to the administrative expenditures of the SRB will take place at the end of June 2024 on the ADMC Portal.

Shortly before the start of the consultation phase, a notification will be sent to the concerned institutions via email to remind them of the upcoming consultation phase. 

2024 advance instalments on administrative contributions

  • Institutions were consulted on the preliminary determinations of the advance instalments between 15 January and 26 January 2024.
  • The individual Contribution Notices were issued on 19 February 2024. The deadline for payment was 25 March 2024.
  • 114 entities and groups have been notified about their 2024 advance instalments.
  • The total amount of 2024 advance instalments raised was equal to EUR 85 million.

The Administrative Contributions (ADMC) Portal

The SRB has developed the ADMC Portal to improve the communication with institutions regarding the contributions to the administrative expenditures of the Board.

Institutions are requested to use the ADMC Portal to:

  • Verify/update their contact details;
  • Provide any comments they may have during the consultation;
  • Retrieve all documents related to the administrative contributions;
  • Add/delete their users independently in the portal, and
  • Report any specific changes to their situation (e.g. change of name, merger/acquisition).

All institutions in scope received an information letter via email with detailed instructions on how to access the ADMC Portal.


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Contributions to the administrative expenditures of the SRB
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Previous years of the administrative contributions

2023 administrative contributions

Read more on the 2023 administrative contributions cycle

2022 administrative contributions

Read more on the 2022 administrative contributions cycle

2021 administrative contributions

Read more on the 2021 administrative contributions cycle

2020 administrative contributions

Read more on the 202 administrative contributions cycle

2019 administrative contributions

Read more on the 2019 administrative contributions cycle

2018 administrative contributions cycle

Read more on the 2019 administrative contributions cycle